A Very Graphic Illustration of Copyright Law

As noted yesterday by Lifehacker, it is axiomatic that in today’s hectic world, “[r]eading up on copyright and fair use laws isn't most people’s idea of fun.”  Unless you’re weird.  Or a copyright lawyer.  Fortunately for all the normal folk out there (and you know who you are), the Duke University Center for the Study of the Public Domain has thoughtfully published an entertaining, informative, and bountifully illustrated primer entitled Tales from the Public Domain: Bound By Law?

Available as a free download from the Center’s website, and certain to appeal to jocks and nerds alike, the publication is designed to satisfy the market’s long-felt need for a comprehensive exposition of U.S. copyright law in comic book form.  Download, read, learn, heed, and most importantly, impress your friends at Comic-Con.  Or you could just call a copyright lawyer.  Read the Lifehacker article here, and download the comic book here.

Duke University Center for the Study of the Public Domain.

Duke University Center for the Study of the Public Domain.

Reposted from Lifehacker.